Definition : 

Supporting industries refer to all industrial products that play a supporting role in the production of main finished products.

Supporting industries refer to all industrial products that play a supporting role in the production of main finished products. Specifically, this includes components, auxiliary materials, spare parts, packaging products, materials for painting, dyeing, etc., and can also encompass intermediate products and semi-processed materials.

Supporting industries refer to all industrial products that play a supporting role in the production of main finished products. Specifically, this includes components, auxiliary materials, spare parts, packaging products, materials for painting, dyeing, etc., and can also encompass intermediate products and semi-processed materials. The scope can be very broad when listing similar products, but it becomes clearer with an additional characteristic: Supporting industrial products are usually produced on a small scale by small and medium-sized enterprises.

Therefore, in the automotive industry, for example, parts like engines, car bodies, wheels, etc., are not usually considered supporting industries because they are primarily produced by large companies on a large scale. In this industry, supporting industries consist of lower-level components and auxiliary materials supplied to produce engines, car bodies, etc.

Công nghiệp phụ trợ tại Việt Nam

ATT Viet Nam : 

The above content on supporting industries has been compiled and shared with you by ATT. We hope that through this article, you will gain more knowledge about the supporting industry.

ATT Vietnam is also an agent specializing in providing high-quality and competitively priced products from the plastic injection molding process. For detailed information about the plastic injection molding process, please feel free to contact us for further consultation:

Address: Lot 32 Bai Say, Zone Cau Do 5, Ha Cau Ward, Ha Dong District, Ha Noi, Vietnam.

Factory: Lot CN6, Thach That – Quoc Oai Industrial Zone, Thach That District, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: +84 2432 003 219

Hotline: +84 979 011 304 (Zalo/Whatsapp/Telegram)

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